I left for the beach on May 7th, and my herb garden was just fine. Five days later? What happened? The yarrow is out of control and taken the St. John’s Wort, and Oregano with it!
All of this needs to be cut back, and the flowers removed. I will use the St John’s Wort little yellow flowers as an infusion, but the oregano, should not be allowed to bloom. I think I will cut the
Yarrow |
Tansy |
yarrow about a third of the way down. When you are trimming your herbs, you should only take about a third of the plants. There is tansy in the corner which was blooming little daisy like fowers when I left, but these have now long died. Tansy is good to plant beside the steps or patio to help deter mosquitos. In the background is blue salvia, and catnip. My lavender has begun to bud and bloom. These will be cut and dried for sachets and bath teas. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.
I’m growing Lavender for the first time this year, and will plant this weekend. I know it will take some time for it to mature & bloom, but what is the typical bloom period? Is it just a few weeks, or all summer?
(I’m so glad I found your blog, it’s great to get to know another local gardener!!)
My Lavender is about 4-5 years old. it is blooming now and does most of the summer. I will cut it in a few days to dry. You should cut before the buds fully open. It may bloom next year, but not a lot. Seems like just as it begins to really bloom, the plants begin to get “woody” and split. I try to plant new plants every other year, in case I have to take out one of the older ones. I am blogging on lavender next, and took pictures today after the rain.