Every spring I wait in anticipation for the ground to become warm enough to plant. I water and fertilize all summer, and by August, most of my flowers have suffered under the hot summer sun. Tired of watering, and fighting off the mosquitos, I wonder why I buy so much in the spring. Then as…
How to Grow Bee Balm
Bee balm (Monarda Didyma) was in full bloom in my garden a few years ago at the side of an old shed we needed to tear down. I didn’t want to loose it, so I decided to move it to a split rail fence closer to the house. Bee balm is easy to transplant. Since…
Herbal Bee Garden
Last summer’s weather was hot and dry, resulting in little honey stores for my bees. If I didn’t want them to starve this winter, I was forced to start feeding them sugar water, and have continued until now. I will soon switch to a solid patty, to help them make it through the winter. This…