I found these little garden boots when I was looking for something else. This is how I usually find things I have “put back” , get off track, and remember what I WAS looking for in a few days.
I purchased these at our local Salvation Army Thrift Store last year, and can’t believe my nine year old granddaughter, Kendall, hasn’t confiscated them as her own. I have great hiding places.
I placed a layer of pea gravel in the bottom, and put a couple of holes in the bottom for drainage.
Next, I used one of the forks I had in my junk cabinet, and fashioned it into a peace sign.
Curl two of the fork prongs down with a jewelry tool.
Spread the last two tines apart with the tool, and shape to create two spread out fingers into a peace sign.
Add plants and peace sign for a unique garden container.
This little boot holds a shamrock plant. You could use flowers or herbs too.
Peace, love, garden.