“The Answer”
I was looking at my blog calendar and realized Friday was “Make Your Dream Come True Day”. For over five years I have had a dream to own my own business, and have only half heartedly or sporatically worked on it And yes, you do have to put work into it. The problems is I let everyone’s needs come first, or made all kind of excuses to not move forward. Money, time, and I wanted to do it all. I first thought this inability to make a decision on what my dream was, was attributed to ADD, or now, Menopause! We are taught early on that we can’t have it all, and need to pick one thing to concentrate on or we can’t do it well. Well, I am here to dispel that myth. I am reading “The Renaissance Soul, Life Designs for People with too Many Passions to Just Pick One. And guess what? I am normal, and you don’t have to pick just one thing.
So….I spent some time today clarifying what I TRULY wanted. I broke down the dream, and decided to work on just one, My Gardenchick Business today. Here is my dream in black and white. No more excuses, you can all hold me accountable for making my dream come true.
- I want to work at home.
- I want to work in creative surroundings, in an outdoor office surrounded by gardens. I want the “office” to be built of recyled materials with huge windows so I can see out.
- I want to build my Gardenchick business, creating natural bath and body products, expanding my line to involve children and pet products. (I already have some of these, but need to refocus, and concentrate on one at a time.) I want to be the Paula Dean of gardening. I want Gardenchick products such as seeds, garden tools, paper products and linens.
- I want a blog that like minded people want to read and want to tell others about.
- I want to go junking with my friends and have “occasional” sales where we can share our finds.
- I want to create jewelry from found objects.
Okay, there they are. When I dream, I dream BIG! I didn’t just pick one, I wouldn’t have been happy. What is your dream? Please share with me and others. I know there are a lot of us out there and we would love to help each other. I have decided that every Monday is Make Your Dream Come True Monday. I hope you will join me.
Your post could have easily been made by ME…i am in the same predicament. I was running my own jewelry biz from home but wound up going back to work…its draining me and wish i could stay home every day and create…oh, and the renaissance soul is a FABULOUS book! good luck
CatHerder, I have written another post on making your dream come true Called Compromise. Your current job may provide you with customers when you are ready to create fulltime. Have you thought of making some pet jewelry and seeing if you can sell where you work? (Don’t you work for a vet?)You can email me if you want to talk further.