I closed the shop the week after Christmas, and for the first two weeks in January. My father has been ill, and my parents needed my help. It was also a good time to renew and get refreshed to start the New Year. Here are some pictures taken of the shop: I like to use my “repurposed” furniture as displays for my garden items such as the wasp catchers and misters on the potting bench made from a door. The old enamel table is holding Valentine gifts such as dips, valentines, and a pair of red candlesticks. While I do carry new items in the shop you will notice many items that have been purchased from auctions, flea markets and yard sales. Once white wicker chairs are now pink, and a discarded brown chest of drawers is now white and waiting for a new spot in someones home.
The shop looks really lovely, Karen. Maybe one day I’ll get down your way again and see it.