Are you having trouble wrapping your head around all the disorganization you see around you? Well so am I. Magazines and papers are full of January Organization Ideas. Checklists, planners, and to do lists can be downloaded free on the internet to get your life back on track.
But, I’ve tried all that, and it last less than a month, and I’ve lost the planner, or lost interest.
I purchased ” The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. In this book a quote stood out to me. “a dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective. It is life transforming”. When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order too”.
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I know I cannot move toward working part-time, and creating my garden business without having my house in order. I can’t find the things I need, or they are scattered in different directions
I don’t have the time or inclination to spend all day reorganizing. I guess I have a little ADD because, I don’t have the attention span for that. I was inspired by Tanya Anderson of Lovely Greens , Creativity Jar. Tanya owns her own business, and has the job of my dreams. (she doesn’t know this yet). Creating and selling her bath and body products, teaching classes on beekeeping, and soap making, she still felt she didn’t make time for doing the creative things she was yearning to do. So she made a Creativity Jar. She picks a project out and makes her priority to do. Until, I can get all my ideas, my house, and my finances in order, I don’t feel I can move toward my goals. So I borrowed her idea of a creativity jar, changing it to an organizing jar.
To get my house in order with my organization jar, I sat down while visually looking at my areas that need to be in order.
Remodeling my kitchen allowed me to clean out and organize it. Everything had to be taken out, and when put back, a lot of things were thrown away. Done!
I work 3- 12 hour shifts a week, so for my January Organization jar, I broke it down into small projects that can be done even on the days I work. Small things like clean out desk in front room. That won’t take 15 minutes, but will focus me on one thing, and I will feel like I have accomplished something. There were more than 30 items, because I felt on my days off I could pick 2-4 from the jar.
I took my jar, a piece of paper, a pen, and a scissors, and started to write.
It didn’t take up much time to fill up two sheets of paper. I cut them apart and dropped them in.
Now, it’s time to start 2016 with an organized house, one slip of paper at a time.
If you liked this article, check out my post on using a vision board to organize a garden project.
I’m so doing this. Off to find a jar. I hope I can remember all the little projects. My husband says he’ll help, too. Great idea!
What great ideas.
Great tips. I am so in need or organizing right now.
I am always trying to get more organized. Gah. You should see my office….
Great idea. My “in my head” to do list is too long to remember. And randomly choosing one task per day/week is a great idea.