I am a nurse in an ICU, and have been now for 35 years. It’s not only stressful, but requires me to be inside for 13 hours at a time. In the summer, I at least get home before dark.
Tonight, after an especially hard day, my husband said dinner would be ready in a few minutes. I went outside to look at the garden.
Here is what was there to greet me.
Anise Hyssop. A favorite of bees. I bought three plants last year at a native plant sale. They overwintered, and have really grown this year. Do you see the bumblebee?
Bee Balm. I transplanted just a few of these last year and now there are at least a hundred. You have to keep them thinned, and cut back or they will take over. Not quite opened, but still a pretty crimson color.
Orange tiger lilies.
Purple coneflower. I transplanted these last fall front my front yard perennial garden, to my split rail fence in the back yard.
Evening primrose. I was at a friend’s home a few weeks ago and admired these pretty yellow flowers. They lined the rock wall around her sewing studio. Her husband proceeded to pull about 10 plants up by the roots handing them to me! I transplanted that evening, and watered for a few days. We went on vacation for a few days and when I came back, some had not survived the heat, but I have at least six that did. These spread easily and by next summer I should have plenty.
St. Francis of Assisi is guarding the ferns under our River Birch tree.
I hope you have flowers to brighten your day and to de-stress after a hectic day!
I’m sharing this post over at NewHouseNewHomeNewLife Please go over and see all the great garden pictures.