Both of my cats were aquired as drop offs. Tinkerbell, (and NO, I did not name her that, she came with it)
came to us about 9 years ago. Her owners could not keep her because they were having a baby. My son came in with her, and all the time I was shaking my head no, I knew she would stay. Like most cats, she has pretty much taken over, coming and going as she pleases, in and out of the house throughout the day. 5a.m. meowing at the window is not uncommon, when she has been out all night and decides it is time for me to let her in and feed her. And yes, she is spayed.
Tom, (isn’t that an original name) showed up at our back door a few months ago. Is there a sign at my driveway that says “Drop here, they will love to feed you and let you in occasionally.” I think Tom was a house cat at some point. He doesn’t hesitate to slip past when the door is open and miraculously find the recliner or bed. He learned a valuable lesson last week. DO NOT mess with baby chicks. Their mothers are fiercely protective. He has the hurt paw to prove it and now walks a wide circle around them when going through the yard.
I have Catnip in my garden which neither cat seems to notice. I allow it to flower because of the color it brings to the herb garden.
Catnip (nepetalactone) has been reported to be 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET. You can make your own catnip Mosquito Repellent with the recipe below.
Thanks to Susan Wittig Alberts Book of Days for this recipe.
Catnip Mosquito Repellent
2 cups catnip, washed
2 cups almond oil
Bruise catnip and pack into a clean jar. Cover with oil, put a lid on the jar and set in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Shake jar lightly every day, and push herbs under the oil to avoid mold. Strain into a clean jar, seal and refrigerate for up to 8 months. To use, rub on exposed skin. ( If your mosquitoes are especially ferocious, you can add other strong smelling herbs, such as rosemary, pennyroyal, basil.)
Tinkerbell and Tom Love their Catnip Kitty Cat Treats. Make your own treats using the kit which includes recipe, cookie cutter (bird or fish) and a big bag of catnip from my garden. Visit
oh tinkerbell and tom are so adorable karen! meow tom! i think you look fetching stretched out on the bed. yes dear, there is an invisible sign on your door that says you speak cat and be welcome here:) lol we are going to minnesota this week, so the reminder on spray from the book of days is timely:) i adore catnip tea before bed! i have to give the cats each a pinch too or they drive me nuts with their heads in my cup!
Tinkerbel & Tom are two beautiful cats :o)
And I’m learning a bit again : catnip as Mosquito Repellent and catnipthee.
Thanks for sharing Karen & Leslie