One out of six Americans needs food assistance, but can’t get fresh produce from the local food pantry. ONE OUT OF SIX. There is no excuse with the abundance of wealth in American that anyone should go hungry. I know first hand how slow the wheels of assistance turn in the government. If you have ever had to deal with trying to get assistance for someone, unemployment, food stamps, etc., I am sorry to say, it is a broken system. I hope everyone out there will take it upon themselves to help a neighbor in need, and not rely on our government to help. This should be evident in the current oil spill, and past devastating hurricanes. Political ideation takes precedence over the well being of the people out there who are hurting. I usually do not get political or religious on my blog, but enough is enough. It is time for those of us who have to help those who do not have. You may not be able to donate money, but you can donate your excess produce. If you are reading my blog, I am assuming you are a gardener. I already have an enamel bowl sitting on my counter full of squash, that if I don’t do anything with it soon, will be thrown out for the chickens. This should not happen. Join in feeding your neighbor. Print off the flyer at the following link, and ask if you can place at your local markets, garden stores etc. Find out where your local pantry is and ask if they have registered with AmpleHarvest. Take your extra produce in this summer.