Having a successful garden requires several things. Creating a healthy soil, placing your garden where it gets at least 6 hours of sun a day (8-10 is better), and choosing the right plant for the right season. But once you have carefully placed your plants and seeds in the soil, it doesn’t stop there. Your garden needs maintenance. If you have planned right, and did a few simple things like mulching, your maintenance should not take a long time out of your busy day. This is where a garden maintenance checklist comes in handy.
You can print this checklist off here and keep it handy to use. Place it in your garden binder. Spending about 15 minutes in your garden most days will allow you to check for pests, remove any dead or diseased leaves or fruit, weed, and replace mulch. I’m in my garden every day unless it’s raining. Days that you need to water may take a little longer. I garden in 5 raised beds. It takes me about an hour to water, but that also includes my annuals, blueberry bushes, and perennials. Waiting to do garden maintenance when it gets out of hand results in a lot of people giving up on their garden. Gardening is supposed to be enjoyable, not a chore.
Do you have gardening questions but are tired of googling and watching you-tube videos to find your answers? I would love to help. I offer a 30 minute virtual consult via zoom. We can discuss anything you like about growing your best vegetable garden ever! Schedule your consult here www.GrowingwithGardenchick.com and use the code letsgarden2022 for 20%off.