I have this old black bicycle that has been moved everywhere. That’s not an easy feat considering the tires are flat and rotted! I paid $15.00 for the bicycle, and it has been painted two or three colors. I believe it’s current home under the pine tree at the side of my driveway will be permanent. It is now overgrown with ivy, and it probably would be a mess to try and get it out. Come Christmas, it may have to pulled out to paint it red! I was feeling crafty today, so I pulled out a pumpkin sign and stopped and picked up a “carving” pumpkin for $4.00. Decorating doesn’t have to be expensive.
This is a close up of the sign and pumpkin.
Happy Fall!
Hi there! I nominated you for a fun award called the Liebster. See my blog for details 🙂 http://homegardenjoy.com/site/2014/09/liebster-award.html
SO CUTE!!!! I have a vintage schwinn –that I still ride– but this is a good idea for it when it becomes un-rideable!!