Bee balm (Monarda Didyma) was in full bloom in my garden a few years ago at the side of an old shed we needed to tear down. I didn’t want to loose it, so I decided to move it to a split rail fence closer to the house.
Bee balm is easy to transplant. Since it can grow several feet high, it’s best to cut it back to about 12 inches. It makes the bee balm easier to handle, and easier to plant without falling over. I amended the garden soil near the split rail fence with compost and bagged garden soil before I planted it. I had several stalks left and planted a few in the perennial garden in my front yard. Bees love it, and it adds such a bold crimson color to the garden.
Bee Balm has a long history with Native Americans, and the Colonial settlers. It can be used as a natural antiseptic. If you are in the garden and get a cut or scratch, break off a leave, mash, and rub the leave and liquid onto your cut or scratch. A tea can also be made with the leaves and flowers to soothe sore throat, stomach ache, colds and insomnia. To make a tea, use 1 Tablespoon leaves and flowers to each 6 ounces water. Boil water, pour over the bee balm, and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Remove bee balm.
Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds love bee balm, so it definitely makes a good addition to your pollinator garden.
Bee Balm and other herbs such as thyme, mints, basil, sage, and lemon balm, can be added to the nest box of your chickens, to help prevent mites, lice and other insects.
Although easy to grow, Bee Balm is not without it’s problems. The most common is powdery mildew. A spray with made equal parts milk and water can be used each week over two weeks to get rid of the mildew and to help prevent further occurrence.
Bee Balm multiples quickly, and you will soon have a mass of it. That’s not a bad thing, it looks pretty planted in large plots, and attracts the bees. But, if you find yourself with too much, jut transplant to other areas, or repot for friends. I’m eyeing a corner of my new shed to place a few. I think that you will find this pretty crimson plant to be a great addition to your garden. If you have a friend or neighbor with bee balm, I’m sure they will be happy to share. It can also be started from seed.
You may also like my post on Tips to Grow Yarrow. A pretty white or pink lacy flower with fern-like leaves.
Happy Gardening,
Beebalm is a lovely flower in the summer. I also love the way is smells and makes a decent cut flower.
I’m waiting with anticipation for mine to bloom!! Thanks for the tips. And thanks for sharing on What’s Blooming This Week
I’m adding bee balm to our list for next year. It’s beautiful! Our son is a beekeeper so I think his girls will like it too.