Thankfully, we won’t get anything like the storm headed for New York and Washington D.C., just drizzling rain, grey skies, and 44 degrees.
Toasty warm inside, I was looking through some information in my ever growing pile of “need to keep” and found a great source for those who love wildflowers and would like to know more about planting and growing them.
I ran across a free seed catalog from WildSeed Farms (1OMB download) that you may want to check out. It’s jam packed with beautiful photos and detailed information. Topics include:
When Should I Plant?
How to plant wildflowers
Starting your wildflowers from seed
Seed Germination
Seed Storage
What is an Annual, Perennial, Biennial?
Weed control
And much more.
This is a catalog so they do include information about their products, but the pictures and information could help you plan your garden, teach your kids about a wide variety of flowers and herbs, or assist you in some educational/craft projects.
When Should I Plant?
How to plant wildflowers
Starting your wildflowers from seed
Seed Germination
Seed Storage
What is an Annual, Perennial, Biennial?
Weed control
And much more.
This is a catalog so they do include information about their products, but the pictures and information could help you plan your garden, teach your kids about a wide variety of flowers and herbs, or assist you in some educational/craft projects.
*if you have a blog and are looking for new ideas or material for your blog, sign up at for their free emails. Each email has sources/freebies etc., that may be of interest to your readers.
The wildflower picture came from